ISP & Telco

The centralized filter for protecting ISP, Telco infrastructure and their users.

ISP Lite ISP Premium
Safe Search Engine & AD Blocker Protecting engine and Youtube searches and blocking ad-sourced domains
Policy on an hourly basis Allows you to activate blocking policies based on time slot
Configurable security profiles Ability to use multiple security profiles associated with specific anycast public DNS pairs
Compatibility with any Router, Gateway and Firewall Easy installation with any device and MFM (Made for Mikrotik) certification
Support for CGNAT NAT and Carrier-grade NAT Support
Ipv4 and Ipv6 ready Support for Ipv4 and Ipv6 on a global scale
GDPR & CCPA & POPI compliant GDPR-Compliant and integration of government blacklists of countries that require them
Custom RPZ blacklists Ability to enter additional massive blacklists in RPZ format
Data export Allows export of data in CSV format.
API integration Ability to request an API key to interface with our Dashboard
Customizable block page Complete customization of the block page with user-specific alerts or messages
Real-time traffic. Detailed reports on the instantaneous traffic situation
Retention of reports Breakdown of traffic by country, category, time slot, etc. and display on graphical models
Report by device Detailed reporting and analysis of each device connected via our client shield
Scheduling by hours I profili di protezione possono essere differenziati in base ai dispositivi e alle pianificazioni.
90 days
180 days
Historical research on navigation Detailed history of DNS resolution requests
2 days
7 days
Multilingual support Instructions in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, and German.
Online training Formazione, coaching, ecc.

Concession of protection of public IPs

Security, productivity and access to opportunities go hand in hand with Broadband Internet, and with FlashStart protection, the online approach is safe, reliable and secure.

ISPs and WISPs can use it to filter content and protect their customers. FlashStart Lite and Premium for ISPs, WISPs, and Telcos provides protection for public IPs, keeping them off global blacklists, and also protects the end user from malware and infections, thus reducing the time needed for technical support to customers.

Try safe surfing for free !

Try our advanced DNS filtering. Activatable in seconds, always updated in the cloud and with world-class speed, stability and quality. All accompanied by support from a team of maximum experience h24.

Improving traffic health

FlashStart Lite and Premium for ISPs, WISPs and Telcos is designed for families and SOHO customers; it offers malware and content filtering at a highly competitive price.

FlashStart Lite and Premium has all the features of Cloud PRO, helps improve traffic health and quality with an advanced DNS filtering system, continuously updated via AI, which also includes government blacklists.

It optimizes bandwidth usage, has a local DNS cache (CloudBox), keeps public IPs clean, and offers multiple profiles, enabling differentiated policies for businesses, PAs, organizations of all sizes, schools of all types, and households.

FlashStart in numbers

161 Countries reached

around the world

713 Partners

have chosen FlashStart

32000000 Users protected

against malware and contents

15000000000 Queries protected daily

by our DNS system

Technical characteristics for ISPs, WISPs and Telcos

Protection against malware
IP protection from blacklists
DNS intelligence on content

Detailed analysis
AI-based blacklists
Maximum compatibility

Encrypted DNS (DoH)

Local Cache DNS
Search engine filtering

Explicit content blocking that can be
activated for searches on Google, Bing,
YouTube and DuckDuckGo.


Maximum global experience
Google Safe Search
GDPR Compliance