Granular protection
for Enterprises

In network environments with Microsoft Active Directory, it is possible to synchronize users and groups with the protection offered by FlashStart, so that granular policies are activated.

For example, you can activate social networks for the “Marketing users” group and block them from the “Front Office” group. At the same time, report management will also guarantee granularity of service, and each department director will be able to evaluate the use of the internet within his department.

In this way, the network administrator can assign safety and browsing policies based upon the department and role within the company, as is currently required everywhere in enterprise environments.

FlashStart Lead Developer
Meris Magalotti

“As lead developer, championing granular protection is key in fortifying enterprise environments against cyber threats, ensuring robust defense mechanisms.”

The advantages of native integration

Many companies employ a centralized server system, like MS Active Directory, to enable the monitoring of all objects in the domain, that is, users, resources (e.g. printers), and services (e.g. emails), in order to organize them and to control accesses and cyber security settings.

The integration of FlashStart with MS-Active Directory is simple and fast, thanks to the installation of a native Windows plug-in, which can synchronize AD objects (passwords and personal data are not synchronized, in full compliance with privacy regulations).

A local DNS proxy is also available (relay) and can be installed on a virtual machine (it uses very few resources) to manage inside and outside DNS traffic and keep a local cache with immediate latency.

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