FlashStart operates globally in DNS security.
As a European leader, it combines advanced intelligence with technology features. In some respects, it is truly superior to the American corporate giants and maintains a more humane business philosophy. A team of experts works every day to provide the best multilingual support, the maximum business affordability, and the development of ad hoc features for internet security in every setting.

Advantages and benefits

Stable global Anycast network (uptime 99.87%) and ultra fast (top five DNS resolvers in the world).

Web cataloging with integrated machine learning from government blacklists and reporting of high-risk sites.

Analysis of 40.000 new domains which are created every day, using A.I. with a predictive capability of > 92.5%.

90% of active sites are already classified into two hundred categories that can be used as blacklists.

Filtering malware and unwanted contents in browsing, before they are downloaded to the network.

DNS level blocking, including malicious external links (phishing).

priority security of the whole network, including WiFi and IOT connected devices.

Optional protection for remote connections of workers and students and for browser search results.

Network also protected from DDOS attacks or blacklisting due to reputation loss of public IPs.

Exclusive, geographically based, total browsing block for high-risk countries.

Cloud-level protection with maximum blacklist and whitelist customization.

Multi-tenant dashboard for centralized management that can be integrated with Active Directory.

Differentiating filters for users, groups, machines, and schedules with instant changes.

Detailed historical or real-time reports for instant detection of problems.

Easy installation with any router or firewall, cannot be disabled by workers or students.

No costs for software, hardware, or upgrades of networked devices.

Extremely affordable prices by user type with no additional fees.

Sales only through area partners for the best on-site support.

Technological and business support for partners, with multilingual chat experts.

Regulatory compliance and approval for professional internet protection requests.

Try safe surfing for free !

Try our advanced DNS filtering. Activatable in seconds, always updated in the cloud and with world-class speed, stability and quality. All accompanied by support from a team of maximum experience h24.