Web blocking software: security, appropriateness and efficiency
The diffusion of the network was accompanied, especially in the more recent years, by a constant growth in the numbers and strength of computer-based attacks. In this article we will demonstrate the importance of using a web blocking software, we will analyse the principal characteristics of these instruments and see how FlashStart distinguishes itself amongst the plethora of filter instruments that are available today.
1. The web diffusion: delights and crosses to bear
The web represents an endless font of information, content and resources whilst at the very same time being an unlimited deposit of computer-based threats.
1.1 Diffusion and development of the web: positive aspects
On one side, in fact, the web allows us to access data that varies from:
» Content type: in the last twenty years the Internet has progressively substituted the more traditional fonts of knowledge. In this case we are referring to all of the knowledge transmitted on paper or under other forms – encyclopaedia, books, articles, databases – instruments that have been sided by and, in some cases, even literally substituted by online resources (for example let’s think about schoolbooks that, ever more often, now include a series of resources where the students can access them online).
» Geographical location: the dematerialisation of resources has also brought about the possibility of accessing information and data that is considered as geographically distant as it is stored on servers that can be physically found in Countries or Continents that are different from those where we are residing, bringing about a significant growth in content that we are able to access.
» Type of access: lately access to the Internet has made it possible to directly consult data and resources online, available with the usual search modes using search engines. There is also undirect consultation, using a connection from other networks. Thanks to the VPN, virtual private networks, during the pandemic we were able to connect to the company website from our own home, thus being able to continue our work by remotely consulting the necessary resources.
1.2 Web pervasiveness: the unexpected turns
In front of all of these positive aspects we shouldn’t forget all of the dangers that are tied to the world of the web, in particular the computer-based threats, that exploit the very same three points that we have just listed:
» Content diversity: the more content varieties available online means the more types of users that connect to the Internet to find answers and problem resolves, this means more possibilities for the hackers to create attacks that, in a more or less fortuitous way, reap victims.
» Geographical diversity: the possibility of accessing content that is stored on servers that geographically could be situated ‘anywhere’ signifies that even the computer-based attacks can arrive from even more fonts, with particular relevance in those Countries considered traditionally more at risk from a computer security point of view.
» Access variety: the exponential growth in the use of a VPN implicates an extra access point within a company or organization network, an exploitation point for those that are entitled as well as the criminals who decide to join you through dedicated attacks.
>> FlashStart protects you from a vast gamma of threats and blocks the access to threatening sites ? Request a quotation or try it now
2. Why do we need a web blocking software?
What has been said so far points us into one direction only: a growing necessity of instruments and practices that limit the possibility that we ourselves become victims of computer-based attacks. For that we owe the importance of growth and variety in web blocking software: instruments for filtering web content by using the DNS protocol (Domain Name System) for blocking access to dangerous or indesired content that can cause inefficiency.
2.1 What web blocking software to choose?
Choosing the best filters for our content is not an easy task in such that the plethora of options is very ample. Web blocking software division is based on:
» Type of content blocked: specialised or of ample spectrum. There are instruments that have been specifically created for blocking certain types of content. We are talking about traditional antivirus software, aimed at blocking malware, or even the more simple and common instruments that aim to block all of the content that represents a ‘danger’ to our concentration or efficiency (eg. Social network, online shopping sites, music and video streaming platforms).
Other instruments, such as FlashStart, instead propose a complete solution, one that blocks by default malware and dangerous content but can also be requested to block other content such as those that offer distraction or those considered undesirable.
» User target: dedicated or of ample spectrum. In this case also, there are instruments that have been designed for a specific category of users as their target, for example software dedicated to parental control, idealised for when the young users navigate by blocking content that is considered unsuitable for their psychological and social development as well as controlling the time spent surfing.
Other instruments adapt well for all kinds of users. For example, FlashStart allows the network administrator to assign profiles of various risks to various users and therefore restricts, in different ways, users based on their profiles.
» Accessibility: this has two aspects, one tied to the cost and number of users and the other considered as guaranteed coverage. There are more details about this in the following paragraphs.
>> FlashStart is the web blocking software that guarantees security, appropriateness and efficiency in a simple way ? Request a quotation or try it now
3. Web blocking software: some examples
Here then are a few examples of web blocking software that allows you to navigate the web more safely:
» Rescue Time: this software was developed specially to ‘save’ your time. In fact the application analyses the activity details of the online user and generates a report and recommendations that have the objective of getting the best use out of time, with true and proper points that then verify your improvement. It is available in two versions, the base one which is free and a premium one that has a payment.
» mSpy: this app for parental controlling is highly diffused thanks to its user interface that can be easily understood and quickly installed without any problems. mSpy allows you to monitor the users’ devices, usually kids or teenagers, including their messaging systems as well as the geo-location ones of the device.
» Avast Free Antivirus: we are talking about a well noted free antivirus program that uses cloud based filters for protecting devices on which it has been installed from ransomware, virus or malware. It proposes this by scanning the device looking for malware through a user interface that is both simple and intuitive.
» Comodo Dome Shield: this content filter has over 20 content categories that can be blocked by who manages the online security through the user interface that, even though is not the most modern, is still very intuitive. Multiple languages are supported.
>> FlashStart is the web filter against malware and undesired content that makes your Internet experience secure and efficient ? Request a quotation or try it now
4. FlashStart: the complete solution in web blocking software
In respect to the above mentioned instruments FlashStart guarantees complete protection.
4.1 FlashStart protects you from any kind of content
FlashStart is an ample spectrum instrument that allows you to block over 200 content categories in 24 different languages. Some categories, those expressively dangerous for the user and their device, are automatically blocked by the system whist for the others – including content that creates distraction as well as those where we could find unpleasant or unsuitable content for a certain band of users – the network administrator can decide whether to block them or not.
FlashStart also allows you to create different profiles for different types of users, guaranteeing a capillary and granular protection that will satisfy all company, organisation, school or family needs and the integration with the Microsoft Active Directory.
>> FlashStart: one instrument for a complete solution
4.2 FlashStart protects all of your devices, always
FlashStart guarantees the protection of all of your devices. This web blocking software can in fact be installed on a router level, guaranteeing the coverage of all of the devices that are connected to that network, as well as on a single device level through the ClientShield app. In this way you can be sure that all of the devices being used are constantly covered by the FlashStart cloud protection.
Also, the FlashStart protection is constantly updated in such that the instrument constantly scans the Internet looking for new threats thanks to its Artificial Intelligence algorithm as well as its Machine Learning technique that allows it to learn progressive experiences.
4.3 FlashStart protects your data
Whilst one of the instruments cited above has ended up under the spotlight for motives that are tied to privacy, FlashStart guarantees the safety of your user data in such that it integrates in a complete way the European Regulations on material privacy (GDPR) as well as the other local rules concerning this argument.
After a free trial period, FlashStart will request a payment subscription that will allow you to continue using its services, this guarantees the fact that this instrument works by following high levels of quality, development and upgrading without the need of making third party sales of eventual information that is inevitably gathered on the habits of its protected users.
>> FlashStart is the fast web content filter that protects its users from threats guaranteeing total respect for the privacy ? Request a quotation or try it now
You can activate the FlashStart® Cloud protection on any sort of Router and Firewall to secure desktop and mobile devices and IoT devices on local networks.