The importance of a fast and secure DNS
The threats on the web rapidly evolve and therefore it is fundamental to have a DNS blocking instrument that is both fast and secure. In this article we will demonstrate how FlashStart is a very high performance solution in terms of speed and guarantees a web security that is constantly updated and thorough.
1. Web security: a sector in continuous transformation
The history of web security demonstrates a sector that is in continuous evolution in which the push for change is born from diametrically opposite inputs: from the side of the offer there are continuous new things in terms of computer science technology; for that regarding the request, instead, there is the need to battle against online threats that are becoming more and more difficult to handle and need an ever changing push in technology.
1.1 The evolution of computer science
The computer science sector has changed radically during the last twenty years, it now revolutionises every aspect of human life as well as every working sector from commercial to industrial production, tourism to health and from schools to politics.
The continuous updates and technological innovations have made it necessary for the companies to have true and proper IT departments that need to remain informed of all recent changes and recognise the most contributable for the company, not only on a hardware level but also software and available a\o customizable apps.
Hackers never go away on holiday and, it is just at these very times when organizations maybe slacken their levels of alarm, that computer criminals are well prepared and ready to launch their attacks.
In this panorama, the companies that offer web security must be constantly updated in their programs and platforms that they propose to their clients in such a way that they are easily integrated with the most recent technology innovations able to guarantee their fluid use even in the future.
>> FlashStart is the fast and secure DNS that leads the field ? Request a quotation or try it now
1.2 The evolution of computer science threats
The question of online security, instead, evolves from a strange vicious circle: web threats, in fact, transform by following and adapting to new technology in such that the effect of an evolution on the ‘good’ market brings, in a very quick time, an evolution on the ‘bad’ one also.
Many of them were brought to their end thanks to the ‘antique’ floppy disc, a portable memory device that, in its time, seemed very modern but nowadays, twenty years later, has completely disappeared from the market and initially substituted by the well know ‘stick’ that themselves are now drifting into the shadows thanks to the Cloud.
The evolution of computer science threats has in fact gone hand in hand with the evolution of computer science itself and today the fastest way that the hackers have to infect a piece of equipment, or even an entire network of devices is, why not, to take control of them through online attacks that can be manipulated by links or even damaging attachments or even other methods that are much sneakier.
1.3 The evolution of online security
Here is the most pressing question for those who guarantee a greater security online, seeing also the pervasive use of the resources that are available on the network. In fact, we can notice the extraordinary growth in the number of services that we use thanks to an internet connection. If on one side this growth is connected to the most recent technology, such as the Cloud, on the other hand we need to understand the role that the pandemic played out during the last couple of years.
Many have recognised that it is thanks to Covid that, even in those countries that have a more traditional type of technology, there has been a leap forward towards that which can be defined as a true and proper ‘technology transition’.
>> FlashStart is the fast and secure DNS that is totally on the Cloud, easy to activate and guaranteeing the security of your network anywhere ? Request a quotation or try it now
1.3.1 Widespread technology…
The need to work remotely has brough about a diffusion of instruments that make such possible. Covid has underlined the importance above all of some of the instruments:
» VPN (Virtual Private Network) that allows workers to connect to the company network from their own home.
» Cloud, the virtual storage space for documents that makes it possible to access files and data even when out of the office as well as sharing information without the need of sending continuous mails.
» The various fast messaging platforms and those for online meetings, that allow you to keep in continuous contact with colleagues or others anywhere in the world.
1.3.2 … and the relative problems for computer science security
Every one of these three instruments has requested particular attention from the computer science security point of view.
The VPN networks have been one of the most highly used targets amongst hackers for the fact that they permit access to enormous quantities of data.
The attacks can come from infiltrations on the domestic network that has been used to access those of the company, maybe even targeting one of the weaker members of the family, somebody who is not so expert such as a young student, easily reached by a targeted phishing attack of which we speak in detail in this article. From here there is born the need for a fast and secure DNS system that is capable of blocking access from malicious sites even from the domestic network.
The Cloud today stores data and documents of all kinds, those that show the everyday workings of a company to the more reserved types of which just a few members of the organization have access. In this case the attacks are often ransomware and aim to just gain possession of documents that, as of their nature, can be easily re-sold on the web to interested buyers, unless of course the rightful owners themselves decide to pay a ransom to get them back.
Finally, the platforms for fast communication and especially those regarding video meetings have been the target of many DDoS attacks (Distributed Denials of Service) that disturb the meetings themselves compromising the usage and result. We have heard a lot about, above all, those regarding schools and lessons online.
>> FlashStart is the fast and secure DNS that protects you from a vast gamma of threats by blocking the access by malicious sites ? Request a quotation or try it now
2. FlashStart: the secure DNS
FlashStart proposes a fast and secure DNS filter instrument. The guaranteed security from FlashStart is given, in first place, by its continuous updates. As we have already said the computer science threats evolve very rapidly so it is therefore fundamental for a security service to be constantly up to date.
FlashStart guarantees continuous updates of its DNS filter thanks to a mixture of:
» Artificial Intelligence: FlashStart uses a very complex system of algorithms on neural networks that allows constant automatic updates on systems that are based on DNS filter content. Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence, FlashStart can examine up to 200 thousand sites a day in 24 different languages, recognising the dangerous elements amongst a big 90 content categories.
» Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence also makes up the base of Machine Learning, the artificial learning that uses past experiences (in this case the classification of previous blacklisting) to try and work out similar behaviour of patterns, models, of worrying content. The FlashStart infrastructure today guarantees a massive 90% of dominions that are analysed will be correctly categorized thanks to its Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
» Human capability: computer science technology is assisted by a team of very highly qualified people that are always available, continually working on error systems of classification guaranteeing a complete service for clients. Not only, FlashStart offers assistance 24\7 in Italian, English and Spanish guaranteeing continual service for its clients.
>> FlashStart is the fast and secure DNS distributed in 109 countries ? Request a quotation or try it now
3. FlashStart: the fast DNS
FlashStart uses a global record Anycast network. With an Anycast network the same IP address corresponds to multiple hosts. Every time a user requests access to a site the Anycast network send an access request to a server. Having a global network allows the Anycast network of FlashStart to individualise any eventual servers that are overloaded and quickly points the request to the next closest node.
The advantages of this system are many:
» Continuity: the Anycast network guarantees the total redundancy of the service therefore it is always available.
» Simplicity: it avoids having to configure various DNS servers by having a one off IP address that is configured in every position.
» Speed: FlashStart guarantees a medium uptime of 99,62%, this positions FlashStart amongst the quickest DNS in the world according to dnsperf.com.
3.1 End user advantages
The principal advantages are for the end user. The global Anycast network in fact allows FlashStart to guarantee a latency that is almost zero for the end user. The latency is the response time, the time that the secure DNS filter instrument from FlashStart takes to control the user request and decide to allow or not allow access to the requested site.
With FlashStart the control happens in just a fraction of a second and the user doesn’t even notice that anything is happening whilst trying to gain access. This makes FlashStart a favourite choice in such that the user is in no way slowed down by content filtering and therefore doesn’t search to evade in any way whatsoever.
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You can activate the FlashStart® Cloud protection on any sort of Router and Firewall to secure desktop and mobile devices and IoT devices on local networks.