“With the announcement that FlashStart would donate the reference licenses, God I couldn’t contain my excitement and control my enthusiasm for the implementation in our computer network.”
Sergio Alexandre de Macedo Veras / Planalto Social Action IT Analyst

The company
ASP, which is a pioneer assistance entity in Brasília-DF Capital of Brazil and, since its foundation in 1963, has qualified low-income people of the Federal District in social assistance actions. And taking advantage of this, I would like to tell a little of my story and say that it all started in 1995, at that time I was only 16 years old, I was received by the co-founder of the institution, Mrs. Natanry Osório, who supported me at all times.
ASP Hoje offers the Service of Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds, which is a set of services provided in group form, according to the life cycle, and which aims to complement the social work with the families of our beneficiaries and prevent the occurrence of situations of social risk and helplessness.
FlashStart in numbers
around the world
have chosen FlashStart
against malware and contents
by our DNS system
Try safe surfing for free!
Being my main concern how I could filter all the content that our children and teenagers access on the internet, and in a Google search I found FlashStart, which I immediately found very interesting, all the service that was offered, I immediately sent an email to Flash, telling the story of ASP and asked them to consider donating licenses to use this service. the spectacular, to my amazement and joy, a few days ago I received a reply from Mr. Francesco Collini, CEO of FlashStart, informing me that he was going to donate the Referenced Licenses.
FlashStart in numbers
around the world
have chosen FlashStart
against malware and contents
by our DNS system
God I could not contain my excitement and control my enthusiasm for the implementation in our computer network with the help and support of FlashStart. After the configuration and implementation procedures, we made a technological leap, to the point that in just one week we were able to reduce to zero all the problems of viral infections, access to inappropriate content and malicious scripts. Thanks to
FlashStart, we have full control of our children and youth’s access and provide them with a safe environment. During the time we have been active in this partnership, we can say that FlashStart has completely changed the concept of Navegar Com Segura, and we want to thank them immensely for all the support provided by this company that really cares about social issues.