FlashStart Pills | Phishing and scams: the defence

Flashstart® is the software in the cloud for filtering malware and unwanted content at high performance; Flashstart® is the Italian Web Filter simple and highly customizable, easily integrated into any network environment for companies, home, public bodies, schools, Isps and Wisps sold only by Partner.”

This video is part of the webinar FlashStart® Pills | Phishing and scams: the defence played on 18/05/2021; participated: Francesco Collini, CEO of FlashStart® together with Jorij Abraham.”


1. Phishing and Scams

Internet is a dangerous place: phishing and scams, in addition to malware and ransomware, represent one of the most dangerous vector of attack against our data and finances.
IT administrators and MSPs should cooperate to prevent and fight these dangers and the defence starts from training users and planning a great Internet filtering strategy.

2. Various Examples

Pensate ad una scuola che ha comprato 500 computer portatili e li destina a studenti che ne hanno bisogno. Il tecnico della scuola può installare Client Shield sulle macchine così facendo si utilizza la stessa protezione scolastica.  Pensate ad un’azienda che ha commerciali, persone in maternità o comunque in Smart Working, da casa si può entrare in VPN sull’azienda ereditando la stessa politica di sicurezza con connessioni protette. 

Think of a school that bought 500 laptops and sent them to students who need them. The school technician can install Client Shield on the machines in this way using the same school protection. Think of a company that has businesses, people on maternity leave or at least in Smart Working, from home you can enter VPN on the company by inheriting the same security policy with secure connections.

3. Management of FlashStart®

From the same Dashboard control you manage synchronously the policies, restrictions, permissions, reporting and above all it works from any router or mobile connection that you have.

4. Strategies

Internet protection and filtering planning is done together with the expert FlashStart®, where we evaluate the types of restrictions to be implemented, then block pornographic sites (sites “perditempo”) and clearly malware.

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This creates different profiles depending on the user. If a minor will have to tighten up much blocking maybe even Facebook, avoiding problems of Cyberbullying and Solicitation. If you are of legal age, you can give freer and less restrictive profiles.

5. Wi-Fi Guest Network

The protection part of the Wi-Fi guest network is not to be underestimated, nowadays Companies, Schools, and every Public Administration has public Wi-Fi networks for guests, which must be protected.


We are an Italian Company, therefore European , and contrary to many of our American competitors who are not required to comply with the GDPR, We are obliged and have adopted in our technologies all the requirements and all the rules that require us to process browsing data with maximum privacy.

I remind you that on our site there are several collections of Webinair on the GDPR and of course we can protect, filter and restrict but we can not control on which sites the user goes as a crime unless requested by competent authorities.

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Laura BartoliniHead of marketing
As chief marketing executive, my mission is to create impactful activities and campaigns that resonate with our audience, stimulating engagement and promoting brand loyalty.

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As chief marketing executive, my mission is to create impactful activities and campaigns that resonate with our audience, stimulating engagement and promoting brand loyalty.
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